Monday, November 1, 2010

Transitions Lenses

Understanding is an interesting thing. You may want or need more from a person, relationship, job, career but what happens when you don't or cant get it? I don't want my life to be obscured by the perception of truth. Teddy Pendegrass sung a song that said "its so good loving somebody and somebody loves you back" and that is true. However, there are times in our lives when that somebody doesn't love you, need you or want you or is too afraid to let themselves be in that vulnerable position. So what do you do with that? I don't know really different things work for different people. I've adopted the notion that I have transition lenses and they don't reflect the past, or hurt or insecurity to me only the future and the information or understanding of that information (processing) that will move me from where I was to where I am to where I am going to be.

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