Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Two Weeks- a few less Jackassion's

The last two weeks have been eventful and tearful. You know how you have to make some changes in your life but you are not sure what has to change but you know SOMETHINGS GOTTA CHANGE. I had began feeling like the titanic as the glacier cut under its hull. I knew I was going down and taking in water and there was no way to fix it but I thought I could if I tried hard enough. I am coming to the realization that I have to guard my emotional well being just like some one who is allergic to peanuts or fish. You check every package of ingredients and stay away from things and products that have them cause you don't want to die. Well, toxic people- I call them Jackassion's, are everywhere and I am allergic to them. They cause multiple levels of conflict, cross personal boundaries, don't take responsibility for their actions, blame, and misuse your kindness as weakness. We all know the types.
Well having "emotional anxieties" or PTSD you can have more challenges when it comes to toxic people and situations. PTSD is different for everyone even thought they have a list of symptoms and things to consider. I think we all have our degrees of each of the symptoms and I have difficulty with conflict especially in my personal space or my personal life. The hard part of dealing with my allergies is sometimes there are Jackassion's in your family, at your job and in your neighborhood. If you especially have lots of these people in your life you don't actually build up an immunity to them you become more sensitive. So as another week came to an end I had to decide if I wanted to die- emotionally or cut a few things loose. Now, not everything or person was a Jackassion some situations it was time to do something different. There were some others where the Jackassion's were loose and running the show.  Amazingly, I came out of it with a little dehydration, some puffy eyes a new outlook on life and a few less Jackassion's to bring the ship down any faster.


Ok ok, a lot of people have been asking me what in the world PTjamS'D means. Well on a lighter note its like being "jammed" by PTSD. Slammed etc. Initially, it started out as a way for me and a sister supporter to get a good laugh. I thought about products which would be great product for me since I have PTSD we agreed that Pajamas with some type of versatility for indoor outdoor wear. etc Later on that week I was very challenged with some family and relationship issues which were making the fact that PTSD was there as well,  but much more complicated to deal with. I was in my pajama's late in the day, and struggling to get focused for an afternoon cup of "joe" (coffee for you non military types). My sister supporter was asking me to explain what I was going through and I thought about it and said it was PTjamS'D. Now when we are having a tough day if it is at all related to PTSD I usually say this. Mainly, because I can say it anywhere and it expresses very well how I am feeling, to her at least. I'm physically (or thinking about) being in my pajamas, in bed with dust on my car keys. I don't have to go through long expressions about the day and what happened and where I am physically when I say that it says it all.